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Ebola outbreak in Mubende District

ebola outbreak

How to tell an ebola virus infected person(sign and symptoms)

.High fever


.Joint pain




.Bleeding from all body openings

.General body weakness

.Sores in the mouth

how it spreads 

Physical body contact

. touching and wearing clothes of an infected person

.use of sharp instruments previously used on an ebola virus disease victim say syringes,needles,razor blades etc

Welcome to Mubende Town

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Mubende Municipality is a hilly place with ragged terrain. The place is commonly known for the 99 hills upon which the historic palace of the Chwezi dynasty was established in around 1300AD.  The town Centre is located at the foothills of these magnificent hills, this affects the settlements with drainage and off-runs of heavy storm water. The altitude of the area ranges between 1066 to 1548 meters above sea level with varied land scape features.
