Welcome to Mubende Town
Mubende Municipality is a hilly place with ragged terrain. The place is commonly known for the 99 hills upon which the historic palace of the Chwezi dynasty was established in around 1300AD. The town Centre is located at the foothills of these magnificent hills, this affects the settlements with drainage and off-runs of heavy storm water. The altitude of the area ranges between 1066 to 1548 meters above sea level with varied land scape features.
The Municipality’s climate is classified as tropical with two rainy seasons between March-June and August-December. Generally, one can rightly say that the area receives rainfall throughout the year with two peak seasons. The area has average annual temperatures of 24.3* C with rains of 1377 mm.
The dominant soils of the Municipality are ferralitic soils with a dominant color being red and are mainly sandy loams. A ferralitic soils usually represent the last stage in tropical weathering. These soils usually have low reserves of weatherable mineral and largely depend on bases held in clay and organic complexes for their fertility. Generally, productivity of ferralitic soils depend on favorable rain fall distribution. However, a limited area is covered by clay loams.
The area covered by open water is 0.1 % while wetlands and swamps cover 8% of the total area of the Municipality. At least 24.8 % of the seasonal swamps have been converted for various purposes which include farming, establishment of settlements, business establishments, and industries among others.
The following vegetation are found in municipality. 1. Moist altitude ever green forest, 2. Forest / savanna mosaic, 3. Moist acacia savanna, 4. Dry combretum savanna, 5. Dry acacia savanna, 6. Grass savanna and 7. Swamp vegetation.
Municipality is located in the Central Region of Uganda, approximately 160 kms North-West of Kampala on Kampala Fort-Portal Highway. Municipality is found in MubendeDistrict in the mid-west central region of Uganda. The Municipality Boarder’s with Kiyuni Sub – County in the North West, Kibalinga in the West, Kitenga in the South – East and Madudu Sub – County in the South and North East. The Municipality covers an area of approximately 300 sq km from 4sq km in 1995 which is a sign of rapid boundary expansion. The Municipality is made up of eighteen (18) wards, seventy-five (75) Villages (LC I s) and the Special Area which is housing Military Casualty Unit. (Survivors Unit).
The Municipal Council is an urban Local Government at the Level of LC IV, with powers to plan, budget and report on those obligations as enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda 1995 and the Local Government Act CAP 243 1997(amended). Also the Council is a self-accounting entity. It’s planning and budgeting is an inclusive approach that covers all entities within the municipal area of jurisdiction save for centrally managed entities like police, army Judiciary regional referral Hospital and NTC
No |
Division |
Wards |
No. of Cells |
1. |
East division |
Kanseera |
4 |
Kasaana |
5 |
Kaweeri |
4 |
Kawumulwa |
5 |
Kyaterekera |
4 |
5 |
22 |
2. |
West division |
Kisujja-Biwanga |
4 |
Kasenyi- Caltex |
3 |
Katogo |
4 |
Kayinja |
4 |
Mijunwa |
4 |
Nakayima |
3 |
Nabikakala |
8 |
7 |
30 |
3. |
South division |
Busaale |
5 |
4. |
Gayaaza |
5 |
5. |
Kattabalanga |
2 |
6. |
Kirungi |
3 |
7. |
Lwabagabo |
4 |
8. |
Kisekende |
4 |
9. |
6 |
23 |
Grand Total |
18 |
75 |