1.0 Introduction
This chapter gives background information, location, size, climate and vegetation, geographical and other features about the Mubende Municipal Council.
1.1 Location and size
Mubende MC is one of the Municipalities in the Central Region of Uganda. The Council is located in Mubende District about 150kms along Kampala-Fort Portal Road. It is bordered by Madudu and Kiyuni Sub – Counties in the North, Kibalinga Sub – County in the West and Kitenga Sub – County in the East. Mubende Municipality headquarters are situated at Kiwalabye road.
1.2 Historical background
The history of Mubende Municipality dates back from the Bunyoro- Kitara Empire. This was the first capital of the Cwezi Kingdom between 1450 A.D and 1500 A.D with its base on Nakayima Hill. The colonial Administrators settled in the area around 1901 – 1903 and established an administrative center with their residencies at the top of Nakayima Hill. Later the Asian Traders came in and settled below Nakayima Hill and started small and medium businesses which included ginneries and coffee factories. This made the small shopping Centre eventually to flourish resulting into a trading Centre in 1922. Mubende attained a Town Council status in 1976 and has then expanded several times to then occupy approximately 15 sq. kms. Later on 1st July, 2016. Mubende attained a municipality status after some parishes of the neighboring Sub – Counties were annexed. Expansion of the Municipality boundaries has been approved by both lower local governments (The former Town Council, Kitenga, Kiyuni and Bagezza Sub - Counties) and the District Council. Mubende Municipality now has expanded to about 299 Square kilometers.
1.3 Tourism
Mubende Municipal Council has its major tourist attraction as Nakayima tree located at Boma hill approximately 4 km form the town. It dates from the Cwezi era and has got great connotation to Nduhura and the entire great Cwezi fraternity that have other sites of historical significance across Uganda such as Bigo Bya Mugenyi. The tree drives its name from the linage of princesses belonging to the loyal family and is a worship center where traditionalist pray for whatever they want and they get. The tree has got huge buttress roots and is estimated to be over 650 years according to researchers.
1.4 Geographical features
1.4.1 Topography
The relief ranges from 1066 to 1548 meters above sea level with varied land scape features. Mubende Municipality lies in latitude 0HL1QN – 0H51QN and longitudes 31H4QE – 32H16QE.
1.4.2 Climate
Mubende Municipal Council climate is classified as tropical. The summer have a good deal of rains while the winters have very little. In Mubende Municipal Council, the average annual temperatures is 24.3* C with rains of 1377 mm. Mubende Municipal Council Statistical Abstract for 2019 / 2020 2
1.4.3 Soils
The dominant soils of Mubende Municipality are ferralitic soils with a dominant colour being red and are mainly sandy loams. A ferralitic soils usually represent the last stage in tropical weathering. These soils usually have low reserves of weatherable mineral and largely depend on bases held in clay and organic complexes for their fertility. Generally productivity of ferralitic soils depend on favorable rain fall distribution. However, a limited area is covered by clay loams.
1.4.4 Hydrology
The area covered by open water is 0.1 % while wetlands and swamps cover 8% of the total area of the Municipality. At least 24.8 % of the seasonal swamps have been converted for various purposes which include farming, establishment of settlements, business establishments, and industries among others
1.4.5 Mineral resources
The municipality does not have any traces of mineral sources.
1.4.6 Vegetation
The following vegetation are found in Mubende municipality. 1. Moist altitude ever green forest, 2. Forest / savanna mosaic, 3. Moist acacia savanna, 4. Dry combretum savanna, 5. Dry acacia savanna, 6. Grass savanna and 7. Swamp vegetation.
1.5 Conclusion
Mubende has grown into a big Town, elevated to a Town Council status in 1976 and has then expanded several times to then occupy approximately 120 sq. miles. On 1st July, 2016, Mubende attained a Municipality status after some parishes of the neighboring Sub – Counties were annexed.